Thankyou for visiting the Trial Version of e-WorkSheet for Targeted Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
This application is designed to enable Sonographers to easily compose a generic ultrasound worksheet.
The entered text can be edited either within the input boxes, or inside the worksheet popup, by clicking anywhere within the worksheet text.
I hope you find the initial version of this App useful. Any Feedback is welcome, please contact the Developer with any comments, questions or requests for future updates.
SonoApps is developed by Nik Mann.
Nik is an Accredited Medical Sonographer(AMS), and Front-End Web Developer, based in Brisbane, Australia.
This project was initially undertaken to provide an avenue for standardisation of protocols and terminology in performing and reporting findings for Ultrasound Examinations of the Shoulder in a single clinical setting. Subsequently, that vision has extended to that which is now described on the SonoApps homepage. Further planning is being undertaken to implement additional templates for other musculoskeletal and general ultrasound applications.
Please contact the Developer for further information.
e-WorkSheets are designed specifically for use by Accredited Medical Sonographers and are only suitable for use by qualified health professionals.
The text generated by e-worksheet does not represent a medical report. e-WorkSheet is a tool that may assist in the generation of an Ultrasound Worksheet, provided that the links used to generate the text are an accurate description of the pathology imaged on ultrasound examination.
When used in a clinical setting, it is the responsibility of the sonographer or medical professional who uses this application to ensure that any generated text is an accurate description of the ultrasound findings. Any inaccuracies or errors should be edited before the text is saved into any third-party display, or Radiology Information System. Generated text should always be confirmed for accuracy before being submitted to a reporting clinician.
The developer takes no responsibility for any errors in the reporting of ultrasound examinations that may arise from the misuse of this application.
Click on the Patient ID button in the page header. This will open a popup window where a patient identifier can be entered. Use of this section may allow you to skip the processes of printing the worksheet on completion, adding a patient ID label and rescanning the document into your RIS.
Click anywhere on the Worksheet to edit the generated text. Be sure to proofread and edit any findings that do not correspond to the appearances demonstrated on your images!
To finish, click either JPEG, or PDF to save an image of the worksheet, ready to import into your RIS or PACS application. Alternatively, screenshot or snipping tool may used to export the worksheet as a JPEG.
** Important **
e-WorkSheets support the printing or saving to PDF of only the text which is visible within the display window. For worksheets with lengthy content, text not displayed inside the visible window WILL NOT be printed. This can be worked around by deleting unnecessary whitespace in the browser window, or decreasing the window zoom, with 'CTRL and -'' or 'CMD and - ''.
Ultrasound WorksheetPDFJPEG
Enter a patient identifier to be displayed at the top of the worksheet. To maintain confidentiality, an internal ID or accession number should be used.
A Digital Generic Ultrasound Worksheet
This e-Worksheet is a flexible template that may be used for any targeted ultrasound examination. Simply type your findings in the input boxes, open the worksheet, then save or print.