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SonoApps Ultrasound Worksheets

Digital Worksheet Solutions for Sonographers


What is SonoApps?

SonoApps is a web-based platform designed for sonographers to generate an ultrasound worksheet in a paperless environment. SonoApps has developed a suite of e-WorkSheet applications which are currently available for use by all sonographers free of charge.

Why use SonoApps e-WorkSheets?

e-WorkSheets have been designed to provide an alternative to the currently available enterprise structured reporting software. e-WorkSheets are a low-cost, lightweight, zero-config solution, available to use today.

How to Get Started with SonoApps e-WorkSheets.

No account setup or login is required. Click the Worksheets link above to see the currently available e-WorkSheet solutions. Each worksheet opens in its own single page application in a new browser tab. This allows the possibility of keeping multiple worksheets open simultaneously. Next, click through the intuitive interface, follow the prompts, and discover how each of the Apps can improve your workflow and the quality of your ultrasound worksheets.

Next Steps?

If you are finding SonoApps e-WorkSheets useful and require no customisation or additions, feel free to continue using the platform as is. Alternatively, there are many ways that SonoApps may to be customised and expanded to meet the needs of any organisation providing ultrasound services. SonoApps welcomes opportunites to partner with radiology or ultrasound providers interested in a cost-effective, highly customised ultrasound reporting solution. Contact SonoApps by email:

Motivate, Explore, Implement.