side *required
any extensor tendon abnormality?
any flexor tendon abnormality?
any sesamoid abnormality?
any ligament abnormality?
evidence of plantar plate tear?
plantar fat pad
other finding / IPJ
** This button should only be used once for each side. After clicking here, the worksheet can be edited manually, by clicking anywhere on the text. If this button is clicked more than once, any previously edited findings will be overwritten.**
MTP joints
any flexor or extensor tendon abnormality?
evidence of plantar plate tear?
plantar plate ROI
any MT bone stress?
bone stress ROI
any lower grade secondary ROI?
1st MT webspace
2nd MT webspace
3rd MT webspace
plantar fat pad
fat pad primary ROI
fat pad secondary (less severe) ROI
** This button should only be used once. After clicking here, the worksheet can be edited manually, by clicking anywhere on the text. If this button is clicked more than once, any previously edited findings will be overwritten.**
MTP joints
any flexor or extensor tendon abnormality?
evidence of plantar plate tear?
plantar plate ROI
any MT bone stress?
bone stress ROI
any lower grade secondary ROI?
1st MT webspace
2nd MT webspace
3rd MT webspace
plantar fat pad
fat pad primary ROI
fat pad secondary (less severe) ROI
** This button should only be used once. After clicking here, the worksheet can be edited manually, by clicking anywhere on the text. If this button is clicked more than once, any previously edited findings will be overwritten.**
** Use this button if the worksheet has been closed after manual editing. Any previous manual edits will be preserved**